Ich werde mal versuchen einige meiner Einträge auf Englisch zu verfassen - um in der Übung zu bleiben.

Do most people really never use the keyboard to work with desktop applications more quickly? There are so many cases of applications that are completely unusable with the keyboard - and I am not talking about image processing which cannot work without a mouse (though those programs are mostly optimized for keyboard use as much as possible, just take a look at photoshop).

But many programs (especially under windows) don't allow even the simplest tasks to be done via keyboard. While I can automate most of the tasks I have to do again and again and again in Office1 via Shortcut, most all of the addins I have to use do not support keyboard use.

Linux is usually better, but far from perfect in this respect: Can anyone tell me how to search in Synaptic (the default gnome package manager) and change where to search in? How do i change from "name" to "name and description" only using the keyboard?

1 I have to admit, Microsoft really did a good job to make Office 2007 usable via keyboard.